
MEasured Success

Ready Communities has partnered with Startup Status to produce a comprehensive map of funding, policies and programs related to the 3-5 key priority themes selected by the host community. The Ready Communities team also map local community networks that contribute to the program.

Our Pilot Program

Ready Macleay - Kempsey, NSW

Ready Macleay which encompasses the Kempsey Region in New South Wales, is the first of our Ready Community programs and we’re very much using it as a pilot to gauge our successes and learn from the outcomes. 

The mapping is left in the community with an agreed upon custodian, ideally a backbone organisation such as Learning the Macleay in Kempsey.

Thus far in Ready Mcleay we have already identified:

97 Hubs

27 Roles

60 Organisations

178 Individuals

40 Policies

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